Campus chaplain at work – Please disturb!

May  the beauty of God be reflected in your eyes, the love of God be reflected in your hands, the wisdom of God be reflected in your word, and the knowledge of God from your heart.  (Celtic blessing)

The student chaplaincy of  the Evangelical Lutheran parishes in Tampere welcomes You to Tampere! Our services and activities  are  ecumenically oriented and   open minded.

We have good ecumenical relationships with both  Greek and Roman Catholic churches, other Protestants and especially  with Anglicans.

We arrange worship services, weekend camps, gospel  concerts, Bible groups, sauna evenings and silent retreats.

ICCK (The International Congregation of Christ the King, Tampere) is a ecumenical, English speaking, multicultural congregation. The ICCK English Service is arranged in the cooperation between the Tampere Lutheran Parishes and the Anglican Church of Finland.   ICCK English Service every Sunday at 4 p.m.  Vanha kirkko (Old Church), Central Square. 

Are you an international student interested in knowing more about the Christian faith or seeking Christian fellowship? We warmly welcome you to join us for the International Fellowship meetings!

International Fellowship of Tampere University at the University Chapel (Pinni B 5th floor) meets for Bible, prayer and praise.

University Chaplain Kimmo Nieminen is available for pastoral councelling, mentoring, coaching  and also gives more information of services for international students.


Contact information

Kimmo Nieminen, University chaplain, Tampere University
kimmo.nieminen -at-
040 484 6645