Fairs and worships in English

Looking for a place to worship in English? A multicultural community with a nice and relaxed atmosphere? ICCK (The International Congregation of Christ the King) is a place of warm friendship. A home away from home.

ICCK English Service for the whole family

ICCK (The International Congregation of Christ the King, Tampere) is an ecumenical, English speaking, multicultural congregation. The ICCK English Service is arranged in the cooperation between the Tampere Lutheran Parishes and the Anglican Church of Finland.

Please note that all baptised Christians are most welcome to receive Holy Communion at this service.

Welcome to the ICCK English Service every Sunday at 4 pm Vanha kirkko (Old Church), Central Square.

More information ICCK Tampere Facebook

ICCK English Service

Ajankohta Sun 2.3.2025 klo 16
Paikka Vanha kirkko Keskustori, 33100 Tampere

Sermon and liturgy revd. Parvez Gill from Anglican church, music Aija-Leena Ranta.

Sunday school for children during the service.

Coffee and tea social after the service. Warmly welcome all!

Järjestäjä: English, Vanha kirkko

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