Young adults who participated in the adult confirmation class are blessed at the altar of Finlayson Church.

Confirmation Training for Adults

Have you been asked to be a godparent? Are church weddings approaching? But confirmation classes are yet to be attended... Or perhaps, you wish to engage in discussions about life's ultimate questions. Confirmation classes can also be taken as an adult. Whatever your reason for considering confirmation classes, it's worth doing!

Confirmation Preparation in Finland

Confirmation Preparation in FinlandIf you want to attend confirmation training for adults in English, please contact
  • Kati Eloranta, Pastor for English Activity
  • Risto Korhonen, University Chaplain
If you want to attend confirmation training for adults in some other language (e.g. Arabic), please contact

  • Heidi Repo, Diacon for Multicultural Work


Reverend, University Chaplain

Diaconal work

Repo Heidi
Heidi Repo Multicultural work p. 050 541 5833