The woman has become silent on a bench in the autumnal forest church.

Spiritual guidance

Spiritual guidance or companionship can take shape in as diverse ways as there are travelers on the journey. Although this phenomenon has been present throughout the history of the church, its implementation in our congregations is in a new beginning. You can be one of the creators of this new journey. So, value your longing, don't hesitate!

"Where is God in my life?" What is He calling me to? How can I learn to hear His calling and respond to it? What about when I'm too tired or no longer know how to pray? How can I find a more humane rhythm in my life?

Are these your questions - you're not in an acute crisis, but you want to take time to listen to your inner self and seek resonance for your thoughts. A good book can serve as a pivotal spiritual guide. Occasionally, a silent retreat opens a blocked path, playing the next stepping stones on the journey of spiritual life.

It may be that you find the end of the path by participating in the worship service, and communion strengthens you to continue the journey.

When your longing persists, boldly seek a fellow traveler. The one who longs is already on the way, as the old teachings say.

How and where

Perhaps you know a Christian, someone experienced in life, whom you trust. Sense whether you could open up to them. If so, boldly ask if they would be willing to be your companion for a while. It's important to explore this together.

What if you simply don't know anyone to ask? Could you perhaps turn to a staff member from your own congregation and ask them to think about it with you?

In the Tampere region, there is a group of directors trained by the diocese or the Friends of Silence Association. Spiritual companionship, according to a long tradition and understanding, is considered a role of trust that one grows into; it's not something one volunteers for but is invited into.

In a group

Do you long for a peer group with those who have similar questions? What prevents you from gathering a small group to share the experience and exploration of spiritual life? To come together in silence and prayer? You can also inquire about support and materials from the retreat pastor.

In a personally guided retreat

A personally guided retreat is a period of a few days with a small group at a retreat location. Each retreatant has their own guide who provides them with Bible verses for their daily prayer and contemplation. Once a day, they can share their prayer experience with their guide. The group eats together and attends Mass as a collective.