A heart shaped lock on a worn wooden door.

Family Counseling

In the complexities of human relationships, crises can be overwhelming. Our inclusive family counseling services offer a supportive space to navigate challenges. Consulting with an impartial third party can provide fresh perspectives, helping you find new ways to move through difficult phases of life.

Contact family counseling when

  • Conflicts, separation threats, violence, abuse, jealousy, or betrayal are affecting your relationship.
  • Family members' relationships are strained, leading to arguments and interpersonal struggles.
  • You seek support with parenting challenges or disagreements.
  • Assistance is needed to navigate a breakup or other crises.

At parish family counseling, our family counselors offer confidential and free-of-charge services. You can engage in discussions face-to-face, over the phone, via chat, or through video calls to address these challenging issues.

For whom is the service intended?

  • You can come to family counseling alone, with your partner, partners or family members.
  • We serve people living in Tampere and Pirkanmaa
  • We do not require church membership.

How do I register?

  • Registration as a customer and reservation changes by phone on 040 804 8100 (from Monday to Friday 9 am–11 am).
  • You can also contact us by email: perheneuvonta.tampere@evl.fi
  • When registering, briefly describe your situation and provide your address, phone number and email address. The waiting time varies, but usually it is from a couple of weeks to several months.
  • Receptions are generally on weekdays between 8 am and 4 pm. Visiting address is Hämeenkatu 28 (4th floor).

Booking a chat appointment for a family counselor

You can book a chat time at the family counseling center by informing the family counselor Nina Svedström-Koskinen of your Skype ID on 040 804 8093. Chat times last 30 minutes.