Volunteer workers at the food bank are packing food into the car.

Voluntary activities in Tampere parishes

Acting in accordance with one's values has been proven to be beneficial! There is a lot of volunteer work in the parishes, and it is suitable for anyone. The principle is that the skills of an ordinary person are sufficient.

Big activities, helping the elderly, acting as a support person, singing - volunteering has many faces and hands! Or do you have an idea of your own that you would like to implement? We also organize coaching and training for the volunteers.

Become a volunteer for Grandma's Chamber.

You can help in many different ways and as often as you want, once a month, once a week or occasionally. You act with the skills of an ordinary person and complement the work of professionals. You can commit to tasks for as long as you can and want.

Registration and additional information: On Grandma's Chamber's website. Unfortunately English language is not available

To volunteer at the hospital.

In the hospitals in the Tampere area, there are volunteer workers. If you are interested in volunteering at hospitals, please reach out to Hospital Chaplain Sari Kärhä at sari.karha@evl.fi or by phone 040 804 8597.