A child and an adult are playing, and they have made binoculars out of their hands to look through.

Collaboration in Worldview Education

Worldview education in Finnish early childhood education serves civic, cultural, and personal development purposes. The Early Childhood Education Curriculum, as a normative framework, highlights the importance of exploring diverse opinions and making them the focus of collective study.

We invite you to collaborate with us in planning and ideating activities that align with your chosen theme, goal, or specific needs.

For any inquiries or to discuss potential projects, please don't hesitate to contact our early childhood education counselors. You can find their contact information here.

Potential Collaboration Themes:

  • Play Day
  • World Interfaith Harmony Week
  • Universal Children's Day

1. BASKET General Education

Suitable for multicultural and multi-viewpoint groups

Church buildings as a learning environment

Churches are art and cultural history significant destinations. Getting to know each other can be done in many different ways using various senses:
  • Look at the art and artifacts visible in the church.
  • Listen to the church bells and organ music.
  • Include photography, filming, drawing, or painting.
  • Name the different parts and professions of the church
  • You can visit any of Tampere's churches
Children's group visiting Viinikka Church. Photo: Minna Kaihlanen.

The cemetery as a point of exploration

At cemeteries, history, culture, and traditions are present. Exploring these themes happens through participation. All Saints' Day serves as a natural occasion for a visit.
  • Memorials
  • Lighting candles
  • A possible music session in the chapel.

Information and education.

A worker from the parish can come for a visit to talk about their job, profession, Lutheran religion, its contents, practices, and traditions.

We also offer information and tools for the development and collective reflection of the personnel and unit's religious education.

Training and discussions on various themes can be customized according to the unit's needs, whether in team meetings, unit-specific sessions, or regional events, such as team meetings, morning or afternoon training, or the trainer participating in the unit's development day.

Educational events can also be held in the church premises. For training needs related to religious education, you can contact us via email. anne.ryyppo-prami@evl.fi.

3. BASKET Religious event

Christmas and Easter churches

  • Early childhood education groups are invited to Christmas and Easter churches in Tampere's various parish areas and to the Children's Cathedral in Finlayson's church. An invitation with registration instructions will be sent to the unit's contact person.
  • The hope is that the planning and implementation of church moments would take place in cooperation.
  • Church moments are interactive. The theme of the holiday and the Bible story are told and implemented taking the child's age into account.
  • You can explore the early childhood education Christmas services for Christmas 2023 here.

4. BASKET Growth and well-being

Cooperation in crisis situations

  • When faced with grief or other crises, we collaboratively seek ways to address grief and fear in the workplace or in a group of children. Inquiries and reservations can be made through the area's early childhood education coordinator. You can find phone numbers and email addresses here.

Library and material service

You can borrow from the church libraries and material services:
  • Books
  • Audio recordings
  • Role-playing clothes
  • Various objects, such as objects from other religions, stuffed animals, for example big giraffes and lions, and pastor dolls
You can contact the library by phone at 03 2190281 or by email at  materiaalipalvelu@evl.fi. Please check the library's opening hours here.

Artworks from the 'Spark of Hope' exhibition for preschool and school-aged children. Image: Mari Sunell.

Art path for early childhood education groups and schools in the church space

This form of art education is in accordance with religious education and is general education. It belongs to Basket 1 of partnership, making it suitable for all children in the group.

It supports the construction of a child's cultural identity by utilizing experiential and multisensory approaches. The idea is to invite the group to explore the church space, accompanied by music. 

After exploring the space, the children create art inspired by what they have seen. In the end, the artworks of all the groups form an art exhibition that the groups or even the family go to see.

This was implemented in the children's own church, the Children's Cathedral, in the fall of 2022, and the next offering will be in the spring of 2024. Contact person from the churches: mari sunell@evl.fi

Cooperation in early childhood education video

Greetings from church