In the Old Church of Tampere's Central Square, an English-language mass is currently taking place.

Fairs and worships

The church bells call to the service. In several churches in Tampere, a communion service is held every Sunday, everyone is welcome to the communion service.

  • Churches in Tampere's parishes are scheduled to hold services on Sundays at 10 a.m
  • In the churches of Pispala and Hervanna, the service is at 11 a.m., in the church of Lielahti at 12 p.m.
  • The service of the Swedish congregation is at 11 a.m, address: Svenska Hemmet, Satamakatu 19.
  • English service is at 4 p.m (Tampere Old Church).

What is the purpose of the Mass?

  • A Mass is a worship service where communion is celebrated.
  • In a word-based worship service, the focus is on the Word and prayer, and it does not include communion.
  • A weekday Mass is usually held on a weekday, and it often allows for moments of silence, contemplation, and informal prayer.
  • The formats for Mass and word-based worship services can be found in the hymnal.

Moderni, yhteisöllinen ja rento messu Pispalan kirkolla


Ajankohta Sun 8.12.2024 klo 17-18.30
Paikka Pispalan kirkko Pispalan valtatie 16, 33250 Tampere

Uuden Verson messu Pispalan kirkolla

Lämpimästi tervetuloa Varikkomessuun! 

Varikkomessu on Uuden Verson Pispalan kirkolla järjestämä moderni ja rento messu. Tule mukaan nauttimaan yhteydestä Jumalaan ja toisiin ihmisiin!

Messussa tarjolla tulkkaus englanniksi ja lapsille omaa ohjelmaa. Messu myös striimataan osoitteessa

Järjestäjä: Uusi Verso, Pispala

Tapahtuman saavutettavuus

  • Liikuntarajoitteiset
  • Kuulokojeet
  • Inva WC
  • Lastenhoitohuone
  • Pistekirjoitus

Tapahtumapaikka kartalla