An overview of Messukylä Church, which is a front-facing red brick church in Neo-Gothic style, surrounded by green deciduous trees, with gravestones in the foreground.

Messukylä church

Messukylänkatu 54, 33700 Tampere
tel. 050 599 8215

The main church of the Messukylä parish was built in 1879. The redbrick church represents the neo-Gothic style typical of the era.

Messukylä church has been repaired and renovated several times. The unrest caused by the 1918 civil war damaged both churches in Messukylä. The latest renovation took place before the church's 100th anniversary, providing the church with its blue roof.

To commemorate the 100th anniversary, the parish ordered a complete set of church textiles including chasubles from architect Seppo Rihlama.

Messukylä church and the surrounding cemetery is a quiet landmark at the crossroads of several busy streets.