What is a wedding night?
Hääyö is an intimate wedding ceremony where multiple couples are married at once. Before the ceremony, the priest discusses matters with each couple and goes through the necessary paperwork. After the ceremony, the congregation provides coffee and cake for the newlyweds and their loved ones.
When is the next wedding night held?
- On Saturday 30.11.2024 at Finlayson Church. Registration by 31 October 2024.
- You can register on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on 03 219 0705.
- Wedding times are assigned in the order of registration. The events start at 6:00 PM.
Who can be married during the wedding night?
Anyone who has completed the confirmation school of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland can be married during the wedding night. If one of the individuals to be married belongs to another Christian denomination, please contact the impediment investigation at tel. 03 219 0228
We want to get married during the Wedding Night! What do we need to do?
You can register on weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm at tel. 03 219 0705.
What else do we need to do before the wedding day?
The wedding couple must undergo a marriage impediment investigation in their home parish at least one week before the Wedding Night and bring the certificate of the impediment investigation with them to the event. The investigation takes a minimum of 7 days, after which the certificate will be sent to the couple's home. The certificate is valid for 4 months.
Oh no, I haven't completed confirmation school! What now?
No worries. If for some reason confirmation school has been missed, the priest can arrange an adult confirmation school for the individual, culminating in their confirmation. Please contact the confirmation school pastor at tel. 03 219 0319 for more information. Additional details can be found at www.tampereenrippikoulut.fi.
Can one walk barefoot to the altar?
Why not? In the Wedding Night, there is no dress code, and everyone is encouraged to dress in a way that feels comfortable for them.
Can I bring the whole family to the Wedding Night?
Of course! The church can accommodate everyone, and there is plenty of room. However, for the coffee reception, it's advisable to bring the closest friends or relatives. The number of guests for the coffee event should be specified during the registration.
I want to announce my marriage to the whole world, is that possible?
Maybe not to the whole world, but certainly to your own congregation! During the Sunday worship service, prayers are offered for those whose intention to marry or marriage announcement is shared with the congregation. The married couple can choose when and where the announcement is read.
Where can I get more information about the Wedding Night?
For inquiries and reservation requests, you can contact us on weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm at tel. 03 219 0705 or reach Pastor Jiri Santaharju at tel. 050 430 4811, email: jiri.santaharju@evl.fi.